Lumbar Sympathetic Block in Houston

The human nervous system consists of many different types of nerve pathways, each of which carries different signals. For instance, your sympathetic nervous system primarily controls your unconscious physical processes, but it can also carry pain signals. Some chronic pain conditions can defeat traditional forms of analgesia, leaving you debilitated and unable to enjoy life. That’s when you may want to consider undergoing a lumbar sympathetic block in Houston TX.

What Is a Lumbar Sympathetic Block?

A lumbar sympathetic block is a means of dulling nerve signals in a specific part of the spine. The lumbar vertebrae play host to clusters of neural tissue called sympathetic ganglia which act as relay stations for sympathetic nerve impulses. An infection of pain killing medication directly into these ganglia can block the passage of pain signals. At the same time, an injected corticosteroid drug reduces any local inflammation that might contribute to the problem.

Surgeon pointing at Lumbar Spine modelBecause the corticosteroid can affect your blood sugar levels, you’ll need to skip any diabetes medication you normally take on the day of your lumbar sympathetic nerve block procedure. For the procedure itself, you’ll lie on a treatment table so the doctor has easy access to your lower back. A sedative and a local anesthetic will keep you relaxed and comfortable.

The doctor will use imaging technology to guide the path of the needle toward your sympathetic ganglia before injecting the drugs. You’ll need help getting home afterward, but you can go home the same day of this minimally-invasive procedure. Expect to stay a total of around two hours.

Lumbar sympathetic nerve block procedures can do more than just relieve chronic aching or burning sensations; they can also relieve other uncomfortable symptoms such as tingling or “pins and needles.” Doctors even use the technique as a diagnostic tool. If the nerve block relieves certain symptoms in a specific part of your body, the doctors can use this information to pinpoint the exact nature of your chronic pain problem.

Who Needs a Lumbar Sympathetic Block?

Senior woman suffers from peripheral neuropathy .A lumbar sympathetic block can prove highly effective for easing many stubborn pain conditions and syndromes. You may benefit from the procedure if you suffer from:

  • A painful vascular condition such as Raynaud’s syndrome or critical limb ischemia.
  • Lower-body shingles pain.
  • “Phantom limb” sensations at an amputation point.
  • Nerve pain syndromes such as peripheral neuropathy or CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome).
  • Diabetic neuropathy.

Not everyone makes an ideal candidate for this procedure. Qualifying factors include:

  • Nagging back or lower-extremity pain that hasn’t responded to medication or therapy.
  • Normal blood pressure.
  • No blood clotting disorders.
  • No current or recent infections.

Lumbar sympathetic blocks come with certain minimal risks such as bleeding, bruising, soreness, and swelling at the injection site. However, by putting this procedure off, you risk letting your condition grow so severe that you can’t work, sleep, drive, or perform simple household tasks.

Benefits of Lumbar Sympathetic Block

Surgeon doing Lumbar Sympathetic Block to the patient.A lumbar sympathetic block can free you of pain that has been troubling you for years, restoring your mobility and quality of life. If you’ve been taking large quantities of other painkillers in vain, this procedure can help you reduce or discontinue the usage of these medications. 

Let NW Surgery Help You

NW Surgery has the necessary skill, experience, and tools to provide lumbar sympathetic block procedures. We can also provide you with extremity joint treatment, spinal surgery, and minimally-invasive internal surgical procedures. We’re Houston’s oldest and most highly respected orthopedic surgery center — and we’re ready to help you.

Self-Pay Surgical Center in Houston

Like many other procedures at NW Surgery, you can get the care you need at an affordable price whether you have health coverage or not. We offer a no-insurance plan with fixed, competitive, single-price rates for those who lack insurance or would prefer to pay in cash. This option frees you from the burden of steep monthly premiums. It can even help you deal with painful problems in their early stages before they might call for more extensive measures.

Learn More and Get Started

A lumbar sympathetic block in Houston can provide you with weeks of unprecedented pain relief when other pain management methods can’t come close. It’s a quick, safe, simple, and long-lasting solution. If that sounds like what you need, contact NW Surgery to schedule a consultation with a world-class practitioner.