Shoulder Joint Reconstruction in Houston
The human shoulder is capable of a remarkable range of motion when all the parts of this ball-and-socket joint are working in harmony. Unfortunately, soft tissue damage, deteriorating cartilage, traumatic fractures, and other serious issues can render your shoulder all but useless, with even slight motion causing agonizing pain. A shoulder in this much trouble can often benefit from some form of reconstructive surgery. Fortunately, NW Surgery is a leading provider of shoulder joint reconstruction in Houston TX.
What is a Shoulder Joint Reconstruction?
Shoulder joint reconstruction covers a variety of procedures, from arthroscopic techniques to repair or modify damaged components to partial or complete shoulder joint replacement. For instance, serious tissue damage might call for reconstruction using stitches or grafts. A shoulder that suffers from mild osteoarthritis pain might need only the head of the ball-and-socket joint resurfaces with metal alloy, while severe osteoarthritis of the shoulder might call for full-scale replacement of the head, the ball, or both.
A shoulder joint reconstruction or replacement might become necessary once you can no longer use the shoulder at all, if using the shoulder causes so much pain that you simply avoid it. Without a working shoulder, your arm becomes incapable of a wide range of tasks, potentially making it impossible for you to keep working at your job, enjoy sporting activities, perform essential household chores, or even take care of basic tasks of daily living such as brushing your hair or putting on a shirt. Eventually this disuse can lead to atrophy throughout the arm.
Conditions that Require Shoulder Joint Reconstruction
Many conditions can benefit from some form of shoulder joint reconstruction surgery. Common examples include:
- Rotator cuff tears – A torn rotator cuff often responds to arthroscopic repair, but an especially large tear can invite destruction of the joint cartilage, requiring a shoulder replacement.
Shoulder dislocation and instability – One shoulder dislocation can make you vulnerable to others. This can leave your shoulder joint weak and unstable.
- Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis – Osteoarthritis can include progressive thinning of the cartilage in the shoulder joint. Recurring bouts of rheumatoid arthritis can leave a shoulder joint inflamed, damaged, and deformed.
- Fractures of the shoulder bone or upper arm bone – Orthopedic surgeons can often put fractured bones back together with metal hardware. However, a really bad shoulder or upper arm fracture may make total shoulder joint replacement a more effective option.
Diagnosis and Evaluation
Even if your symptoms appear to cry out for shoulder reconstruction surgery, you can’t know exactly what kind of procedure you need until you’ve undergone a thorough evaluation by an expert in the field. Your orthopedic surgeon will use several types of diagnostic imaging technology, from X-rays and magnetic resistance imagine (MRI) to computerized tomography (CT) to get the clearest possible picture of your shoulder’s condition. This specialist will also check your shoulder’s range of motion, strength, and stability while discussing your symptoms and medical history with you.
Benefits of Shoulder Joint Reconstruction
If you need this kind of surgery, you’ll have plenty of reasons to celebrate getting it. The benefits of shoulder joint reconstruction include:
Improved shoulder function that enables you to get your everyday tasks done.
- Increased quality of life from the permanent pain relief you’ll enjoy.
- Reduced risk of recurrence for conditions such as dislocations.
- Improved overall health as you enjoy better sleep quality (which boost your immune system and mental clarity while lowering blood pressure)
- Cost-effectiveness of a one-time permanent fix as opposed to constant rounds of conservative treatment or painkiller prescription refills.
Let NW Surgery Help You
Whatever degree of joint reconstruction you might require, your shoulder is in good hands here at NW Surgery. Our physician-owned orthopedic surgery center, one of the first of its type in the Houston area, has decades of experience serving countless individuals just like you. We can replace a severely damaged or deteriorated shoulder joint, replace jagged internal joint surfaces with smooth ones, fix fractures, and reattach or repair torn rotator cuff muscles and tendons. We also provide ketamine therapy for management of severe chronic pain conditions that surgery can’t completely address.
Don’t Delay Your Shoulder Reconstruction
The sooner you schedule shoulder joint reconstruction in Houston, the more easily and completely you can regain your shoulder’s comfort and function. Contact NW Surgery today to discuss your condition with us so we can connect you with a world-class shoulder specialist.